The “readonly attribute works as described above. The disabled attribute is a boolean attribute. jQuery to disable all input text fields along with textarea field using jQuery on page load, in this example we will learn to make input fields read only using jQuery on page load. In both cases, what the user sees is a field that is slightly “grayed out”, which cannot be clicked on or edited. The attribute is not supported or relevant to 's properties. With regard to reselecting placeholder, simply initialize with placeholder: false , see accompanying conversation in other threads about the thought here.

The disabled and readonly attributes have similar effects — in fact, they look the same from the user's perspective. When an input has the readonly attribute, the :read-only pseudo-class also applies to it. disabled vs. readonly. This meant that the user should be able to see all values in the list and not be able to select a new value. A humble request Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. has no readonly attribute, only a disabled.

I could see this as an enhancement. The disabled attribute can be set to keep a user from selecting the option until some other condition has been met (like selecting a checkbox, etc.). However, the above select readonly example is taken from an application that is working. I thought maybe this changed for HTML5, so I created an example script and ran it. A disabled option is unusable and un-clickable. There is no readonly attribute available for the element readonly. Some while ago I was asked how screen readers handle disabled and read only form fields. How can I make the disabled or readonly while keeping the values it has passing back to the action when form is submitted.

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