She might not take the bus. It's a matter of nuance: 1- The assumption might not be completely unreasonable.

Dr. Anthony Fauci told reporters during the daily press briefing Monday that life after coronavirus “might not” ever go back to how things were before the virus.

She might get a ride from Bill. One can say either, Floaterions. - the not applies to both the completely and the unreasonable. “Dr. Fauci–about getting back to normal, you said you wanted to get back to normal as soon as possible. 3. 2- The assumption might be not completely unreasonable. 2. She might not have taken the bus. According to the American Heritage Dictionary’s 2012 Usage Panel survey, the vast majority of experts disagree with using might have and may have in the same contexts. Can You Use Might/May Have Interchangeably?. 3. If I had entered the contest, I might actually have won. 2. can be used to suggest that the assumption is unreasonable, but not completely so. See more words from the same year Some people claim that you can use might have and may have interchangeably, but this is a bad idea.May have should not be used in the past tense.. Mightn't definition is - might not. 1. - the not applies just to the completely.

Time Traveler for mightn't. She might not be on the bus. She might be walking home. could, may : might conditional of may: 1. She might have walked home. 2. The first known use of mightn't was in 1781. The Bond Market’s Biggest Borrowers Are Companies That Might Not Need the Money. If I entered the contest, I might actually win.

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