Whether you’re looking to shoot and share on the go or you’re …

Explore the beauty of the planet through Earth View. In other stories, Earth has been abandoned or destroyed, such as in the Joss Whedon series Firefly or the book and its film adaptation The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Peek behind the scenes to see how it came to be. In the animated feature Titan A.E., Earth has been destroyed by an alien species, but a well-placed planet builder recreates it and all the species that live on it. EarthViewer dynamically shows how continents grow and shift as students scroll through billions of years.
The photos taken by David for this project showcase distinctive geological and man-made features to explain the science of the Earth . Over the last 540 million years, icecaps covered at least one of the Earth’s poles during three Contribute to Street View It’s never been easier to create Street View images. This interactive module allows students to explore the science of Earth's deep history, from its formation 4.5 billion years ago to modern times. We've added 1,000 new images to our gallery and Chrome extension.

Get a change of scenery without changing out of your sweats. www.BioInteractive.org EarthViewerApp* ClimateGuide* DRAFT March 2014 Page 1 of 2 Exploring Earth’s Climate with EarthViewer 1. Exploring Earth brings you on a learning journey about the amazing science of how the Earth works using photos taken by David Saint-Jacques from space and georeferenced on an interactive world map. Earth View recently added 1,000+ new images to its collection of the planet's most beautiful landscapes.

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