Optionally, enter a name for the macro in the Macro name box, enter a shortcut key in the Shortcut key box, and a description in the Description box, and then click OK to start recording. You simply record your Excel steps and the macro will play it back. You can start the Visual Basic Editor in Excel by pressing ALT+F11. XLSX is available since Excel 2007 and replaces the old XLS file type. Disable all macros without notification.
I've read up on the formatting but can't get this file to save as an xlsx format. Excel files created in one operating system can be opened the other. The default XML-based file format for Excel 2007-2013. Most of the time you use the XLSX format: It’s save (can’t store malicious code), has the maximum number of rows and columns and is best known. If I right click the file from my desktop and check the properties, the type of file is "File". If so, as long as the .xls file (with macros) and the .xlsx file (that needs to use the macros) are both open, then you can select the desired worksheet in the .xlsx file and run a macro from the .xls file. Most of the time you use the XLSX format: It’s save (can’t store malicious code), has the maximum number of rows and columns and is best known. You can start the Visual Basic Editor in Excel by pressing ALT+F11. I was able to get a macro-enabled excel file to work properly but that's not what I want. There is information copied into the spreadsheet and the code runs when it hits save and will run then save then close. Here is the macro: What you are missing is that instead of calling wb.Close SaveChanges=True to save the file in another format, you need to call wb.SaveAs with the new file format and name.. You said you want to convert them without changing the file name, but I suspect you really meant you want to save them with the same base file name, but with the .xls extension.

Microsoft Excel is the industry leading spreadsheet program, a powerful data visualization and analysis tool. I assume that your macros are written to use the active workbook. For more information about copying a macro from one workbook to another, see Copy a macro module to another workbook. A macro is a series of commands that you can use to automate a repeated task, and can be run when you have to perform the task. In addition, a macro can run directly when you open an Excel file, without prompting the user. If you want to copy macros from the personal workbook to another workbook or vice versa, you can do so in the Visual Basic Editor ( VBE ). Only if the parent workbook is an xlsm file and if there is no VBA code in the new workbook it will save the new file as xlsx. Additional information. How do I write a script that will save it as an .xlsm as well as an .xlsx? Cannot store Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro code […]. Save an excel file as both a .xlsm and .xlsx in Excel VBA? Excel uses Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for the macros.

Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide feedback. This article has information about the risks involved when you work with macros, and you can learn about how to enable or disable macros in the Trust Center.

You need little knowledge of VBA to make advanced modifications in the macro.
Cannot store Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro code […]. Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? If you run the code in Excel 2007-2016 it will look at the FileFormat of the parent workbook and save the new file in that format.

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