The three versions of Is64bitOS function demonstrate three different ways of determining if an OS is 32 or 64bit, by using three different environment variables.
VBA- Determine Executable Path for Given Application. There are certain standard (virtual) folders that are automatically created and managed by the operating system, users cannot create these virtual folders. PathLen = … Enter the file path in the “Choose File to Upload” window (path is in excel eg :D:\MArgin Discovery (Businness Assurance)\practice2.xlsx ) 7. Helpful if you want to have a macro automatically save a file directly to the desktop, this shows you the code to return the desktop address.

It didn't work. Hi, I've got a batch file to automatically update a database on user's Win2k computers, but now I want to be able to add a shared drive letter and also add a shortcut to their desktop. The full path and name of the file containing the object to retrieve. 4. Indx = 1 ' Initialize index to 1. Use the Set statement to assign the object returned by GetObject to the object variable. Get the input element by tag name as “input” 5. This example uses the Environ function to supply the entry number and length of the PATH statement from the environment-string table. Do EnvString = Environ(Indx) ' Get environment ' variable. Dim EnvString, Indx, Msg, PathLen ' Declare variables. The EnvironmentResult is the most generic one; it returns a string based on a (valid) environment variable used as an input. July 10, 2012 Daniel Pineault MS Access General Information MS Access VBA Programming MS Excel VBA Programming MS Word VBA Programming 7 Comments. It just returned a … API: Retrieving a Special Folder's location. 6. Three examples of use are given, one to messagebox the desktop address, one to save a file to the desktop, and one to return the address in a function (which can be helpful for more than one program to utilize it). Not available on the Macintosh. If Left(EnvString, 5) = "PATH=" Then ' Check PATH entry. You quickly learn that software developers, in some instances, make it … In my Access VBA code I used the answer in the following question to try and get the DropBox folder on any machine. Have you been trying to develop a flexible method of determining the path to launch an application.

MS Access VBA Programming MS Excel VBA Programming MS Word VBA Programming 1 Comment You can use the following procedure to extract the path from a full file name. You supply the file address, complete file path and file name (ie: “C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\Details.txt”) and it will return the path (ie: “C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\”) Hit the “browse” button, since the paste portion is disabled. Author(s) Dev Ashish: Windows Shell namespace organizes all objects (both storage and non-storage specific) of a file system into a single hierarchical tree. Eight custom VBA functions were developed based on the environment variables listed above. If ... Use the GetObject function to access an ActiveX object from a file and assign the object to an object variable.

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