iPad & iPhone See All. Pitching Leaders.

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Innings Pitched. All the 2018 Mets batting and pitching stats, standings, depth charts, roster notes, schedule/results, news and analysis. Opponent's batting average. OPS (On-base plus slugging) Grounded into double play. On-base percentage.

55-58, 3rd NL East, 506 R, 117 HR, 4.13 ERA, 89 E, Mgr:Green, SP:Saberhagen 14, CL:Franco 30, HR:Bonilla 20, SB:Cangelosi 5 Slugging percentage.

Total plate appearances. Intentional Walks.

... R: Dominican. Sacrifice flies.

Strikeouts per nine innings. He was the number two on the 1969 squad behind Seaver and spent 12 seasons with the Mets, pitching to a 3.09 ERA (113 ERA+) in that time, racking up the third-highest WAR among Mets … Mets R&D Center.

SNY's Gary Cohen, Keith Hernandez and Ron Darling answer questions from fans and take a look back at the 1969 Mets during Beyond the Booth Live, hosted by Steve Gelbs on Thursdays at 4 p.m.

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