Eating Status Scale
Cancer. References: 1. A performance status scale for head and neck cancer patients. Inpatients receive a score of 999 on the Eating in Public Scale.
List MA, Ritter-Sterr C, Lansky SB. The Eating in Public Scale is not applicable as inpatients generally have little opportunity to eat with others or leave their hospital rooms.
ABSTRACT: Objective: The Binge Eating Scale is a widely used scale to assess binge eating disorder in obese patients. PERFORMANCE STATUS DE L’OMS SCORE : ctivite Capable d'une activité identique à celle précédant la maladie Activité physique diminuée, mais ambulatoire et capable de me-ner un travail Ambulatoire et capable de prendre soin de soi-même. Ratings are determined through use of an unstructured interview format.
PERFORMANCE STATUS SCALE FOR HEAD & NECK CANCER PATIENTS - PSS-HN Suggestions for Administration These performance scales may be rated by health professionals (e.g., physicians, nurses, nutritionists) or other personnel (e.g., clerks, data managers).
Until now this scale has not been validated on a French population, and no psychometrically sound tool assesses binge eating disorder in the French.
Incapable de travailler et alité moins de 50% du temps Capable seulement de quelques activités.