cancelled: 1 adj (of events) no longer planned or scheduled Synonyms: off Antonyms: on (of events) planned or scheduled 1. Learn more. Cancelled definition, to make void; revoke; annul: to cancel a reservation. Search for abbreviation meaning, word to abbreviate, or lists of abbreviations.

Ask a lawyer - it's free! William A. Jones Jr. 5.0 stars 14 reviews. Browse related questions. v. to cross out, annul, destroy, void and/or rescind a document. Cancel definition is - to decide not to conduct or perform (something planned or expected) usually without expectation of conducting or performing it at a later time. Indicates: Confirmation for a cancel order request has been received from the exchange. e.g. cancellation (See: cancel) cancellation 1 at common law, an attempt to terminate a contract that can succeed only on terms agreed. Cancelled definition: → cancel | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Canceled vs. cancelled; In American English, the verb cancel is usually inflected canceled and canceling—with one l. This is not a rule, however, and exceptions are easily found. A cancellation (or cancel for short; French: "oblitération") is a postal marking applied on a postage stamp or postal stationery to deface the stamp and prevent its re-use. canceled definition: The definition of canceled means declaring something will no longer happen or no longer occur. Cancelling can be done in several ways: tear up the document or mark on its face that it is cancelled, void, or ended if the debt for which it stood has been paid.

• CANCELLED (adjective) The adjective CANCELLED has 1 sense:. Cancellations come in a huge variety of designs, shapes, sizes and colors. Dictionary entry overview: What does cancelled mean?

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How to … (of events) no longer planned or scheduled Familiarity information: CANCELLED used as an adjective is very rare. The ski trip has been cancelled due too to bad weather. Indicates when a cancellation has been sent but the order has not been cancelled with the exchange. 2 attorney answers. This is a direct result of a cancelled order request: Cancelled: An order is in this status when it has been completely cancelled and the order is no longer open. Cancelled Shares means each share of Company Common Stock that was owned by Parent or the Company (as treasury stock or otherwise) or any of their respective direct or indirect wholly owned Subsidiaries as of immediately prior to the Effective Time, which has automatically been cancelled and retired and ceases to exist, and no CVR Payment Amount shall be delivered in exchange therefor. Definition of cancelled in the dictionary. cancelled.

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